Monday, July 21, 2008


My mom and Lisa Blake gave a really nice reception for Amanda and Time. It was held yesterday at New Hope Christian Church in Bartlett. We had about 40 family and friends in attendance. Time was on her best behavior. Lisa asked Eyewitness News to come. Ryan interviewed us and took lots of footage of Amanda and Time. It was edited down to about a minute. Even though some of the info was wrong, it was great to see Amanda and Time mentioned on the news.


Anonymous said...

I just spent time catching up on all the latest happening here. So exciting! Thanks for blogging even though you never thought you would. We are currently in Alaska but I have internet for a few days. It's been a good summer.

Nikki said...

It sounds like Amanda and Time are doing really well! That is so nice to hear. Unfortunately, Trenton and Ronday are not doing so well. His crazy rambunctious boyhood playing was intimidating for Ronday and it just wasn't working. Megan and Sarah recommended we go ahead and switch dogs before school starts since he would also be coming to school with me. We are getting a yellow lab named Nevile, but we don't have him yet. Hopefully this week we will meet up.
Good to hear from you!

Carla said...

I have really enjoyed your blog. It's wonderful to hear that Amanda and Time are doing so well. Stephanie and Yankee have made a great team too. Yankee has learned Stephanie's speech, and Steph enjoys telling her what to do! I'll be thinking of y'all when we do our JDRF walk August 9th.